Yuwana Zine

ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF) aims to accommodate the voices of young Southeast Asians. AYF believes that youth in the region has multiple life perspectives that can be expressed through creative processes and are worth-amplified further.

Yuwana is derived from Sanskrit word yauvana meaning youth. It stands for young, uniting, witty, accessible, and non-discriminating activism.   We hope through this zine-making process, we could build solidarity among youth in the region.

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#7: Grief, Loss, and Human Rights

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For grief is personal: it is embedded in our bodies; it is a lived experience. For grief is all around us: it reflects the wider state of injustice we all collectively live through, where you see death haunting every person in poverty, in destruction, in trauma, in military occupations and state-sponsored violence and detainment and police brutality, in wage theft and exploitation and poor working conditions cornering the working class to worry about nothing but day-to-day survival, in intergenerational trauma passed down as abuse and disabling forces, in silent cries of alienated folks under intangible structural cruelty where they have no shelter.

Currator: Pychita Julinanda (Indonesia)

Front Cover: Solace Things (Collective)

Selected Artists:

AC Benito (The Philippines), Adi Ardiyansyah (Indonesia), Adobong Papel (The Philippines), Bageur Al-Ikhsan (Indonesia), Brianna D. Samson (The Philippines), Bryan G. Fernandez II (The Philippines), Carlo Mandi (The Philippines), Clyde Baricuatro (The Philippines), Davina Anne (Malaysia), Doodlesandcolors (Brunei Darussalam), Dyah Ayu Risti Puditasari (Indonesia), Jasmine Cruz (The Philippines), JE (The Philippines), Jo Valiao (The Philippines), Li Sing (Malaysia), Lloyd Ericson (The Philippines), Nabris Mufti (Indonesia), Nadhia Raesha (Indonesia), Putri Brilliany (Indonesia), Remi Fatamorgana (Indonesia), Rinsatta Karnjanawati (Thailand), Roel (Indonesia), Sofia Tantono (Indonesia), Solace Things (Indonesia), Thanh Tuong (Vietnam), Tsanamerra Larevue (Indonesia), Untonk (Indonesia), and Zinha Piedade (Timor-Leste).

#6: Creative & Disruptive Resistance



It has now come for artists and activists to find and forge new ways of resistance that will help the public to understand and advocate for human rights as the foundation of a fairer and more just society. a new kind of resistance that is adaptive to the needs of times, one that is substantial & clever, and one that is clear, easy to embrace and own. a resistance built on the disruption of old messages and a resistance bannering a challenge to the messenger on what lens should resistance be looked at and rooted from, that while it enjoys the abstraction of creative freedom, it should also deliver an informed and sincere narrative or how to marry both ways for a more impactful message.

Currator: Elvin Jay (The Philippines)

Front Cover: Anonymous from Myanmar

Selected Artists:

Alfi Rohmawati (Indonesia), Alison Liew (Malaysia), Alycia Catelyn (Indonesia), Anjella (Philippines),  Bianca Raymundo (Philippines), Bryan G. Fernandez II (Philippines), CEM (Indonesia), CJ Rosales (Philippines), Davina Anne Rajah (Malaysia), Dewa Kresnanta (Indonesia), Dian Palupi (Indonesia), Disya Shaliha (Indonesia), Dixie Misty (Philippines), Echo Marav (Philippines), Fardiahtul Adila (Malaysia), GabrielRowel (Philippines), Gail Glorioso (Philippines), Ivy Universe Baldoza (Philippines), Jihan Anggita Putri (Indonesia), Joyce C. (Philippines), Juan Ramadhani (Indonesia), Karminn C.D. Daytec Yañgot (Philippines), KJ (Philippines), Lumina (Myanmar), Mac Andre Arboleda (Philippines), Martinho Humberto da Silva Pinto (Timor Leste), Muhammad Luthfi Adnan (Indonesia), Naj Barrios (Philippines), Oradol Kaewprasert (Thailand), Randy Febrian (Indonesia), Rexor (Philippines), Rinsatta Karnjanawati (Thailand), Sofia Tantono (Indonesia), Ustufia (Indonesia), @rahmisme (Indonesia), Anonymous (Philippines), Anonymous (Myanmar), and Anonymous (Myanmar).

#5: Expressing Remembrance



“Expressing Remembrance” is an invitation for artists to commemorate events, people and progress boldly and compassionately in a challenge to the status quo. In short, it asks for an artistic proclamation of “Never again!” This is how one truly channels the spirit and essence of the International Day of Democracy.

Currator: Sofia Tantono (Indonesia)

Front Cover: Joyce Tan (Malaysia)

Selected Artists:

Abigail Lim (Malaysia), Adobong Papel (The Philippines), Alison Liew (Malaysia), Allie (Myanmar), Ardhi Nur Ikhsan (Indonesia),  Ariel Ramadhan (Indonesia), Asytar (Malaysia) , Aurelia Fransiska Wijaya Kusuma (Indonesia), Ayu Dian Pamungkas (Indonesia), Bryan G. Fernandez II (The Philippines), Carla Maharani (Indonesia), CzarovskiKrista (The Philippines), Davina Anne Rajah (Malaysia), Dewa Kresnanta (Indonesia), Dyah Ayu Risti Puditasari (Indonesia), Emeir Faizal Abdul Jalil (Malaysia), Emmanuel Putro Prakoso (Indonesia), Faldi Fakhri (Indonesia), Hidayah Sumiyani / MiMi (Indonesia),  jaypee gatmaitan (The Philippines), Jennifer Reeves (The Philippines), Jord Earving Gadingan (The Philippines), Jovia Aura A (Indonesia), Joyce @joy.cfashion (Malaysia),  KJ (The Philippines), Kaira Cooper (The Philippines), Kean Larrazabal (The Philippines), LUQMAN ROSNAN (Malaysia), Leon (The Philippines), Lloyd Ericson Castro Rodriguez (The Philippines), Margodiena (Indonesia), Marianie (The Philippines), Mary Elaine Virtucio (The Philippines), Migui Dela Cruz (The Philippines), Millenio Nagata (Indonesia), Mindy (Malaysia), Monic (Indonesia), Mr Aung San Lin (Myanmar), Muhammad Muhrizul Gholy (Indonesia), Naza Gina Azkia/nazkia-nubi (Indonesia), Nadhia Raesha (Indonesia), Neng Lina Lestari (Indonesia), Pie Gonzaga (The Philippines), Purnamasari (Indonesia), “Rezzo"Masduki (Indonesia),  Roy (Malaysia), sainboard (Brunei Darussalam), Stephanie Angela Prijanto (Indonesia), Susana Felicidad Tambasacan (The Philippines), tck (Indonesia), Thanchanog Ho Mai Chin (Singapore), Therese Marie A. Avanceña (The Philippines), Ulii Azman (Malaysia), Wren Teo (Singapore), Xyza Vasily Dela Pena (The Philippines), and zylykagen (The Philippines). 




They in turn mobilise their creativity as powerful tools to demand attention and have made a significant contribution to raising awareness from mental health to social injustice. Additionally, what it means to reorient our values, priorities, and politics, urging us to recognise the ethical responsibilities we have to the contemporary society we live in. However, their messages on the subject are not final, but an invitation to discourse, critical thinking and, most importantly, action. Action is instantaneous and transformational.

Currator: Thanchanog Ho Mai Chin (Singapore-based Thai Artist)

Front Cover: Keina Leia (Indonesia)

Selected Artists:

Adobong Papel (The Philippines), Ahmad Tri Hawaari (Indonesia), Alfian imasya (Indonesia), Alison Liew (Malaysia), Alzuardi Ramadhan (Indonesia), Andreas Tanuatmadja (Indonesia), Andrieta Rafaela Arifin (Indonesia), Arathi J Reddy (Malaysia), Ardajew (Indonesia), Ardelia Prastita / Arudelu (Indonesia), Ardhi Nur Ikhsan (Indonesia), Ayu Dian Pamungkas (Indonesia), Ayu Laila (Indonesia) Aziz Ma'ruf Tejo Ramadhan (Indonesia), Bhakty (Indonesia), Bilqissawa (Indonesia), Bryan G. Fernandez II (The Philippines), Cecilio Malang II (The Philippines), Christopher Sum (The Philippines), cj rosales (The Philippines), Dhiya Ulinnuha (Indonesia), Dialog Rupa (Indonesia), Dixie Misty (The Philippines), Elvin Jay (The Philippines), Emmanuel Putro Prakoso (Indonesia), Energibaikhariini (Indonesia), Fahriah Hashim (Singapore), Fatih Jagad Raya (Indonesia), Fransiscus Carlos Siagian (Indonesia), Galih Yoga (Indonesia), HIDAYAH SUMIYANI (Indonesia), Ian Inoy (The Philippines), Ichie (The Philippines), Jihan Anggita Putri (Indonesia), Joan Oktavianie (Indonesia), Jovia Aura A (Indonesia), Juan Adriel (Indonesia), Kean Larrazabal (The Philippines), Keina Leia (Indonesia), Kevin Nathaniel (Indonesia), Kim Angelo Umayam (The Philippines), Lutfi Yanuar (Indonesia), M. S. Allam (Indonesia), Mac Andre Arboleda (The Philippines), Mariel M. Pabroa (The Philippines), Mark Christopher Par (The Philippines), Mika Pldn (The Philippines), Mikki Luistro and Saree Gloria (The Philippines), Millenio Nagata (Indonesia), MRS TAN (The Philippines), Muhammad Muhrizul Gholy (Indonesia), Nabris Mufti A. a.k.a nobi nobpitosch (Indonesia), Nazurah Usop (Brunei Darussalam), Noniek Putri Pariska (Indonesia), Powerpunkgrrr (Indonesia), Project18+ (Indonesia), Purnima Ghogar (Thailand), Raihan Robby (Indonesia), Raihan Zainal (Singapore), Ram (The Philippines), Ramen (Indonesia), "Rezzo" Masduki (Indonesia), Rifki Nurfajri Ramadhan (Indonesia), Rishya Roslan (Malaysia), Rknine (Indonesia), Ruth Adelyne (Indonesia), S.A.R (Indonesia), Safira Hanum (Indonesia), Shafira Nur Azizah M. (Indonesia), Stefani Dian (Indonesia), Stephanie Angela Prijanto (Indonesia), Ulii Azman (Malaysia), Untonk (Indonesia), Whyper (Indonesia), William Matawaran (The Philippines), Wyn C. Gallo (The Philippines), Yohanes Soubirius De Santo (Indonesia), Zhaddam AN (Indonesia), and Zylykagen (The Philippines).

#3: Days of Activism



The artists’ paintings, illustrations, photographs, poems, essays, and memes lie on a spectrum of ideas rang- ing from raw proposals to ripe reportage and full-scale contemplations. Their insights resonate clearly, each with their own kind of poignancy and pensiveness. A lot of the works are earnest yet vigilant, and candid yet strong. They make one realize that there truly is power in recognizing and articulating the links between the personal and the political, that one is the other, and even more to be able to do so through the catharsis of creative output. 

Currator: Alyana Cabral (The Philippines)

Front Cover: Ruth Beltran (The Philippines)

Selected Artists:

AC Benito (The Philippines), Ai (Malaysia), Aina Alias (Malaysia), Alison Liew (Malaysia), Allison Lee (Malaysia), Alvian Wardhana (Indonesia), asytar (Malaysia), called_me_zx (Malaysia), Chibimomoiro (Malaysia), Chloe Lee (Malaysia), Emeir Faizal (Malaysia), Erlinel Galano (The Philippines), Ernest Lee (Singapore), F. Zahra (Malaysia), Fardiahtul Adila (Malaysia), Faylynnvivian (Thailand), Hazel Kugan (Malaysia), Hmuu Mo (Myanmar), @hhzoi (Singapore), Iftinan Rose (Indonesia), Jane Law Lee Bin (Malaysia), Jeff William Acosta (The Philippines), Jhemar Cenas Lagata (The Philippines), Jin (Malaysia), Joyce (Malaysia), Kaira Cooper (The Philippines) Kaylao / Jermaine Valerio (The Philippines), Kitty Yu (Singapore), KY (Malaysia), Mac Andre Arboleda (The Philippines), Macy- Châu Diễm Trần (Thailand), mangakayen (Brunei Darussalam), Marianie (The Philippines), May (Malaysia), Migui Dela Cruz (The Philippines), Minghua Inside (The Philippines), Muhammad N. Hassan (Indonesia), Neng Lina Lestari (Indonesia), Pamela Maceda (The Philippines), Patricia Leuterio (The Philippines), Purnima Ghogar (Thailand), Quer Ian Demafiles Manucay (The Philippines), rhea (Malaysia), Rifki Nurfajri Ramadhan (Indonesia), Ruen Zapanta (Singapore), Russet Navato (The Philippines), Ruth Rondilla Beltran (The Philippines), Sarah Ibrahim (Malaysia), Sing Min Lau (Malaysia), Sofia Tantono (Indonesia), Thanchanog Ho Mai Chin (Singapore), Thus Spake SASKISA (Malaysia), Unknown 🌷 (The Philippines), Valentina Lai (Malaysia), Xyza Vasily Dela Pena (The Philippines), and Zay Yar (Myanmar)

#2: Democracy, Voices, & Youth



Creative works are pieces of art that could possibly a contribution in changing the world and that is what YUWANA zine is about. Voicing out opinions and issues can be difficult sometimes but it doesn’t have to be limited to articles or the news - it can be through creative works in where art, is being understated for. The selected works are a variety of raw emotions, works that represents tranquility, death and also voices of love regardless of gender - Art is about the freedom of expression, boldness, bravery, acceptance, assurance but also its about doubts, fears and anger just like what you can get out of democracy, having voices and being part of the youth. 

Currator: Nazurah Usop (Brunei Darussalam)

Front Cover: Russet Navato (The Philippines)

Selected Artists:

Alexis Pearl Concordia (The Philippines), Adobong Papel (The Philippines), Agnita Fitriani (Indonesia), Aurelia Fransiska Wijaya Kusuma (Indonesia), Carla Lourraine Tan (The Philippines), CzarovskiKristal (The Philippines), Delayla (The Philippines), Ehsan (Brunei Darussalam), Emi Kashikoi (Brunei Darussalam), Esa Apriansyah (Indonesia), Eunice D. Orquia (The Philippines), Francine Soberano (The Philippines), Fatin Syazana (Brunei Darussalam), Gregorio Surya Abdi Julianto (Indonesia), Geela Garcia (The Philippines), Haze (The Philippines), Hezron Pios (The Philippines), Hmuu Po Mo (Myanmar), Isaac Offline (Malaysia), Isobel Mariano (The Philippines), Jaypee Gatmaitan (The Philippines), Jhio Jan A. Navarro (The Philippines), Kayen R.N. (Malaysia), Karisa Poedjirahardjo (Singapore), Keerthi Shanggar (Malaysia), Kevin Lieus Felix (Indonesia), KhairulAnwar (Singapore), Louis Nazir A. Banzuela (The Philippines), Maria Gabriella (Indonesia), Nazurah Ajimy (Brunei Darussalam), Neng Lina Lestari (Indonesia), Noelle (The Philippines), Ozaq Ques (Indonesia), Patch (The Philippines), Phillip Yerro Kimpo (The Philippines), R. Riree (Indonesia), Rowel Gabriel R. Mirador (The Philippines), Russet Navato (The Philippines), Syakirah Matusin (Brunei Darussalam), Starlene Portillo (The Philippines), Sofia Tantono (Indonesia), Syasya Harry (Brunei Darussalam), Surya Darmana (Indonesia), Salomo Christian Hutajulu (Indonesia),  ShyReal (The Philippines), Sam Radaza (The Philippines), Therese Genota (The Philippines), Tulip (The Philippines), Yancy Moron (The Philippines), Zotana (The Philippines), Zar Mose (Indonesia)

#1: On Feelings



It is fascinating, at least for me, to learn that many of the works do not talk about what-so- called 'positive emotions.' After all, we are living in a pandemic with so much to worry about. Not only related to when we will be able to meet our loved ones in person or when we will be able to attend classes offline, for example. But also, things like governments' ways of dealing with the virus. Living in the time of corona, try to control emotions to experience 'appropriate' feelings might be overwhelming. And we do not owe anyone to show them 'positivity.' 

Currator: Sita Magfira (Indonesia)

Front Cover: Yela Bau (The Philippines)

Selected Artists:

Alison Liew (Malaysia), Amabelle Lorraine Piñon / Amlorrd (Philippines), Amor (Philippines), Angela Ong (Philippines), Ashley Nur Fikriyah (Malaysia), Asry Awi / Q. Jangsary (Malaysia), C. Cabinta (Philippines), camille dominique (Philippines), Danielle Dani Florendo (Philippines), Darla Aguirre (Philippines), Ella Lambio (Philippines), Habagat sa Liwayway (Philippines), Hmuu Po Mo (Myanmar), Hong Jinghann (Malaysia), Fhatima Lim (Philippines), Gabie Maala (Philippines), Geela Garcia (Philippines), Kim Angelo Mansueto (Philippines), Kris Anne Cortez (Philippines), Lynette Nathalie M. Capulso /Twelfth Stitch (Philippines), MAKÔ MICRO-PRESS (Philippines), Martin Shan Cheung (Philippines), Pat Labitoria (Philippines), Pepe Delfin (Philippines), Ram Estrella (Philippines), Richard Cahilig (Philippines), Rochelle Olmoguez (Philippines), Russet Navato (Philippines), Samodra Printsixap, Adham (Indonesia), Sariy Mina (Brunei Darussalam), s.c.n.d.c. (Philippines), Terese Teoh (Singapore), The Kaleidoscope Journals (Philippines), Yela Bau (Philippines), Ynna Denice Esguerra / Dye (Philippines), and William Matawaran (Philippines).

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