Youth Mobilisation in Solidarity with Myanmar Friends of Ours – 2023

AYF Youth Mobilisation is a dedicated project to gather solidarity across the border with our Myanmar friends who have been facing prolonged suffering due to occupation by the Military Junta. We acknowledge that human rights violations after the coup, such as killings, forced detention, forced people displacement, execution, and the distribution of education and health services, have become epidemics that should end immediately. AYF also believes there should be no discrimination treatment to address the crisis in Myanmar and other conflict areas. The world should pay huge and equal attention.
Through this project, AYF supported and facilitated youth-led initiatives, actions, and non-violent movements that mourn and amplify the voices of youth in Myanmar. In 2023, there were three simultaneous solidarity actions in three different countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.
Solidarity from Feminists
Different from previous rallies, this year’s Women March Jakarta 2023 has specific demands urging Indonesia’s government, as chairperson of the ASEAN Summit 2023, to actively engage in conflict resolution in the ASEAN region. This also includes the Myanmar crisis that has been occurring for the past two years.
The demand came from the WMJ organiser’s awareness and belief that using intersectionality lenses is very needed in voicing women and gender issues. The organiser realised that gender injustice occurring in Indonesia is interlinked with democracy and patriarchy that exist in the rest of the world, especially in the region. In addition, the feminist movement should work communally in dismantling systemic patriarchy. Therefore, showing solidarity with friends in the Southeast Asia region is necessary.
This solidarity is clearly reflected in the 9 demands that we, together with at least 40 individuals from civil society organisations (CSO), and community-based organisations in Indonesia, have drafted. Through at least four meetings, they have formulated these demands, ensuring they represent diverse voices. These final demands were distributed in the press release and statements through the press conference before the rally, as well as in the rally speech.
The Philippines
Myanmar issue is gender issue
The solidarity in the Philippines was a platform that aimed to empower and support the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the youth, to play a significant role in amplifying the voices of those on the fringes of society, who are often the victims of social injustices, especially in the context of the Myanmar coup. The community’s active involvement in a series of activities, which focused on developing solutions to contemporary issues, was instrumental in this endeavour. These activities also sought to address the inequalities that these groups face due to biassed societal judgments.
Solidarity in the Philippines has multiple forms, such as webinars, podcasts, advocacy planning, and online campaigns. Diverse participants attended the meeting regarding age (minor and adult) and gender (all gender spectrum and continuum). Similarly, sectors from youths and young professionals were also participants and volunteers. These activities ensure they benefit from knowledge and awareness of what the coup has brought to Myanmar’s people (and youths), as the collective always believes that the coup in Myanmar is an international political issue in Southeast Asia and the whole world.
Democracy needs to be preserved
Myanmar is a neighbouring country of Thailand. As people and activists, Thai youth always help each other drive society and human rights. Thailand has been suppressed by the military junta for nine years. As human beings, no matter what nationalist we are, young people should take action against any repression and human rights violations.
The School of Advocacy for Youth on Human Rights in Southeast Asia (SAY-HR-SEA) program, launched by the ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF) in 2021, has significantly empowered young advocates across the region. This program has equipped participants with the knowledge and skills to champion human rights, resulting in impactful community initiatives.
The solidarity action aims to denounce dictatorship both in Thailand and Myanmar, supporting human rights and democracy and exposing the truth about the violence of dictatorship in Myanmar.
The collective’s work is inclusive. They organised a safe space and open discussion where young people could talk about topics related to human rights in Thailand and Myanmar. There were approximately 70 participants, with the average age between 31-40 years being the largest number, followed by ages between 21-30 years. Thai and Burmese politicians attended the event, as well as refugees. The working atmosphere within the event is fun and friendly. It is considered to be relaxing and thinking about the future at the same time.
Key Achievements:
- Social Movements: Graduates have spearheaded initiatives like “Gen Z Talk Timor-Leste” and “Climate Tea Time,” focusing on mental health, gender equality, and environmental issues.
- Youth Rights Awareness: The program has fostered a deeper understanding of rights among youth, leading to advocacy efforts for menstrual health and LGBTQ+ support.
- Engagement and Influence: Participants have successfully engaged with policymakers and stakeholders, advancing their causes and amplifying their voices on critical issues.
These success stories highlight the program’s role in inspiring and equipping youth to drive positive change and uphold human rights in their communities.
Best regards,
ASEAN Youth Forum
tcgvosptk · October 4, 2024 at 8:15 am
Hostas. Australia. Restroom. London eye. Assassination. Lips. Goole.
Иновации · October 7, 2024 at 11:39 am
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seasonvar · October 3, 2024 at 4:00 pm